Cervical Cancer

Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed with cervical cancer or are concerned about your risk of developing cervical cancer, it’s important to be informed about the available treatment options. By educating yourself about these treatments, you’ll be better equipped to understand what course of action is best for you and your specific needs. Whether it’s chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, or a less invasive procedure like cryotherapy or lasers, there are a number of options that can suit your needs in terms of risks vs. side effects or convenience.
One great way to learn more is by talking to a health care professional who has experience in treating cervical cancers; they will be able to help answer your questions and let you know what the best treatment option would be for you.
Types of cancer

Breast Cancer
Approximately 85% of breast cancers develop in women with no family history of the disease.

Lung Cancer
Most lung cancer statistics include small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Prostrate Cancer
Prostate cancer is a disease in which cells in the prostate gland mutate and divide uncontrollably.

Stomach cancer
Stomach cancer, also known as esophageal cancer, It is the eighth most frequent cancer in the world

Skin Cancer
it’s estimated that 90% of all skin cancer can be treated successfully.

Cervical cancer
Cervical cancer most commonly strikes women between the ages of 35 and 44, worldwide,