Type of cancer

Cervical Cancer

Cervical Cancer can be treated with better patient outcomes using NeoTox / Oncemblex technology
Cervical cancer is a form of cancer that affects the lining of the uterus and its reproductive organs. Common symptoms of cervical cancer include irregular bleeding, discharge, pelvic pain, or vaginal pressure. Cervicals cancer typically occurs at a rate of 1 in 70 women globally every year. Cervical cancer treatment options range from surgical procedures to radiation therapy to hormone treatments such as chemotherapy or hormonal therapy. These treatments aim to either remove all or most of the tumor while also destroying any cancer cells that may have traveled elsewhere in the body through lymph nodes or other means and/or control how hormones work by reducing estrogen production in cases where it may be driving uncontrolled cell growth.
Cervical cancer treatment options are many and varied, but only a few have been shown to be effective when it comes to treating this type of cancer successfully. These treatments can be broken down into two main categories: surgery and radiation. Surgery options include radical hysterectomy, which involves removal of the uterus, cervix, ovaries, fallopian tubes and lymph nodes; extrafascial hysterectomy, which removes just the uterus without removing the cervix; and cone biopsy, in which cells are removed from the cervix using forceps-like instruments.

Whether you’ve been recently diagnosed with cervical cancer or are concerned about your risk of developing cervical cancer, it’s important to be informed about the available treatment options. By educating yourself about these treatments, you’ll be better equipped to understand what course of action is best for you and your specific needs. Whether it’s chemotherapy, surgery, radiation therapy, or a less invasive procedure like cryotherapy or lasers, there are a number of options that can suit your needs in terms of risks vs. side effects or convenience.

One great way to learn more is by talking to a health care professional who has experience in treating cervical cancers; they will be able to help answer your questions and let you know what the best treatment option would be for you.

Types of cancer

Some top cancers we cure

Breast Cancer

Approximately 85% of breast cancers develop in women with no family history of the disease.

Lung Cancer

Most lung cancer statistics include small cell lung cancer (SCLC) and non-small cell lung cancer (NSCLC).

Prostrate Cancer

Prostate cancer is a disease in which cells in the prostate gland mutate and divide uncontrollably.

Stomach cancer

Stomach cancer, also known as esophageal cancer, It is the eighth most frequent cancer in the world

Skin Cancer

it’s estimated that 90% of all skin cancer can be treated successfully.

Cervical cancer

Cervical cancer most commonly strikes women between the ages of 35 and 44, worldwide,

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